Friday, July 01, 2011

Fire Escape Poem

(ease seeps through
these slow nights,
spent lazily gazing
at smalls stars
above the fire escape)

it’s here i’ve come to know.

(the pines shake,
filled with hushed secrets
whispered in the dark)

we sit within it all,
eyes cast low
smoke lingering
on our lips -
and lingering still -
on our fingertips.

(the silence of the sky:
streams of soft milky ways
and nurseries of stars -
a silence gently broken
by your sigh)

a moment uncorrupted –
a moment felt
a thousand years ago.

(we look past gravel garages,
past windows of neighbors we
do not know,
past green hills and empty roads
and there, in the nothingness
we see life
refracting light)

and all the while
a slow moon sways with knowing.

(surely this feeling was felt
a thousand years ago)

in these nights we’ve found eternity;
it’s here i’ve come to know.


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